Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mason Knows

When Mason came to us as a foster in July of 2005, he was a very scared little dog, unable to go up and down steps or walk through a door. Once in the house, he hid under the bed in fear. Before coming into rescue he was matted, and covered with fleas and ticks. The kennel owner shaved him and "dipped" him in a concoction that had my vet shaking her head. Mason's little body had bite marks all over it from fleas, ticks and other crawly things. His teeth were a mess and over the last two years, at every dental, he has lost teeth, a total of 25 so far. He also arrived with two severe ear infections that produced smelly, black gunk until he started taking antibiotics and having his ears cleaned regularly.

Mason traveled from Oklahoma to Texas to Ohio. When we brought him home from the airport, he was shaking so hard I was afraid I'd drop him. Once we arrived home, we took him into the fenced yard so he could stretch, run and do his business (and then we spent the next 2 /2 hrs trying to catch him.)

The photo below is of Mason the day before he flew to Ohio. Skinny, homely, afraid of his own shadow and terrified of humans. He grabbed my heart and has owned it from the moment I saw this photo.

Mason was with us for about a month when I wrote the update below. He is an amazing dog, he was terrified when he arrived, he had no reason to trust people and yet. . . .

What Mason Knows. . . .

Mason understands he will be fed twice a day, every day
Mason understands to go to his spot and wait just a few seconds
Mason knows he does not need to eat his fur sibling's food
Mason knows he does not need to hoard his food, there will be more

Mason knows that he has his own food dish
Mason knows he will not be hungry again
Mason knows how to go up and down steps
Mason knows how to go through a door with a human

Mason knows that I love him
Mason knows that he loves me

Mason knows there are fresh bowls of water all around the house and deck
Mason knows he will never be thirsty again
Mason knows what a toy is
Mason knows what it is to play with other dogs

Mason knows that a human can say the word no and not hurt him
Mason knows that all men and women are not mean
Mason knows what kindness is
Mason knows the word gentle

Mason knows what it means not to be itchy and scratchy
Mason knows what it feels like to not have pain in his ears
Mason knows what it feels like to be clean
Mason knows he has a beautiful tail

Mason now knows that his dad loves him
Mason now knows that he loves his dad

Mason knows what pup corn is
Mason knows what a carrot is

Mason knows how to ask for a treat
Mason knows how to smile

Mason knows he can bark when he is happy or mad or excited or when he wants something
Mason knows we will figure out what he is trying to tell us
Mason knows how to ask for his ears to be rubbed
Mason knows that he can not do anything that will cause a voice to be raised

Mason knows that he can be friends with other dogs
Mason knows that he does not have to fight with other dogs to survive

Mason knows what grass and flowers are
Mason knows about chasing chipmunks and squirrels and his fur siblings
Mason knows what it is to run and play in his very own yard

Mason knows what a gazebo is
Mason knows the pleasure of lounging on the love seat with his fur sister
Mason knows about being lazy and he knows about barking when people come to the door
Mason knows this is his home

Each little step this precious angel has taken has been leading him to the big step:
Mason knows what it means to be free . . .

and to be loved . . . .

and he knows what it is to love

My precious little guy knows . . .

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